
Perfecting Your Bloody Mary (and Why You Should)

Perfecting Your Bloody Mary (and Why You Should)

There are few things more naturally perfect for dealing with hangovers than a Bloody Mary. No really; it’s got everything from easily digestible vitamins (tucked deep inside the tomato juice so you don’t even realize it) to the kick up the ass hot sauce that’ll get you through the day. And, since you’re bound to have another hangover at some point, it’s worth getting it right.

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Ghost Peppers: the Ultimate Indian Food?

Ghost Peppers: the Ultimate Indian Food?

Got a craving for Indian food? Perhaps it’s a hankering for ghost peppers? For many, there’s a strong link between the two. You’ll find ghost peppers on hundreds (if not thousands) of menus in Indian restaurants across the United States.

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It’s Time to Get Saucy

It’s Time to Get Saucy

Yeah, we know, every day is a good day to be saucy. As hot sauce lovers, we don’t wait for an excuse to load up on saucy goodness or splurge on a new hot sauce for our collection. But, if you need some sort of reason before you can jump on board, here it is:

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Doing Taxes? Take a Swig of Mad Dog Hot Sauce First

Doing Taxes? Take a Swig of Mad Dog Hot Sauce First

They say death and taxes are the two things you can be certain of in life. There are probably a few other certainties, but these are definitely things most Americans worry about.  

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