Chili Pepper News — food
Spice Up Your Thai Cuisine with Mad Dog 357 Hot Sauces
Thai cuisine is celebrated for its intricate balance of sweet, sour, salty, and bitter flavors.
The Key To Pairing Food With Hot Sauce
If you’re looking to add a little zip to your next meal, there’s nothing quite like hot sauce. From milder hot sauce to earth scorching super hot flavors, there’s something for just about everyone. Just like a fine wine, though, some foods taste better with certain flavors. The key to finding the right match may be up to your own individual taste. If you’re not quite sure, there’s plenty of time to start on the tamer end of the scale and work your way up. Still, though, there are certainly some tried and true favorites of hot sauce enthusiasts who’ve...
Flavorful Food Swaps
It’s really difficult to make healthy eating choices in the summer. Actually, it’s really difficult at any time. In winter, there is a stream of holidays while the summer offers plenty of impromptu (ah, go ahead and spoil yourself, right?) gatherings and lots of late nights.
You may find that a few of these food swaps are easier during summer. And, if you start now, you can bet they’ll fit readily into your routine by winter. (Bonus!)
You Should Be Dousing Your Food with Hot Sauce
Why stop with a drop or two? Why not cover your food in hot sauce? Okay, we’ll make a few exceptions for that; we don’t recommend the following groups slather their food with hot sauce:
Gastro-intestinally challenged people
Also, we’d like to make the following qualification for anyone that routinely adds a few drops of Mad Dog to their meals; that’s likely to be hot enough!

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