Health Benefits — Mad Dog 357 Original Hot Sauce
Treating the Respiratory System with Capsaicin
The spicy hot part of chili peppers has already shown promise in certain types of pain relief, plus in potentially fighting cancer and cardiovascular disease. It’s even been shown to help with obesity, as capsaicin is said to help speed up your metabolism and curb hunger. But there’s something else...
Are chili peppers truly good for you? Hear what the experts say
You’ve probably heard some of the health benefits of eating chili peppers before, but what do the experts have to say? Sure, they taste great and give your snacks and meals an extra kick, but are peppers truly good for you?
How to naturally treat migraine-induced vomiting
If you’ve ever had a migraine, you understand the intense pain. Unlike regular headaches, migraine attacks can be brutal. With a migraine, you’re typically suffering from a throbbing, pounding pain on one side of your head.
What to Eat, and What to Avoid Eating Close to Bedtime
If you’re struggling to get a good night’s sleep, you may need to take a closer look at those late-night snacks. It seems there’s a link between what you eat right before bedtime and your ability to nod off. So, what should you eat, and what should you avoid eating close to bedtime?

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