Health Benefits — spicy food health

The Health Benefits of Eating Jalapeño Peppers

The Health Benefits of Eating Jalapeño Peppers

Jalapeño peppers are more than just a spicy treat; they offer a variety of health benefits that make them a valuable addition to your diet. Why you should consider adding more jalapeños to your meals!

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Treating the Respiratory System with Capsaicin

Treating the Respiratory System with Capsaicin

The spicy hot part of chili peppers has already shown promise in certain types of pain relief, plus in potentially fighting cancer and cardiovascular disease. It’s even been shown to help with obesity, as capsaicin is said to help speed up your metabolism and curb hunger. But there’s something else...

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Cayenne Pepper to the Rescue

Cayenne Pepper to the Rescue

Sure, you’ve probably heard that eating hot peppers can help with weight control or using capsaicin on your skin can help with pain relief, but now it turns out consuming cayenne peppers can possibly help protect you from some serious diseases.

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How chili peppers could someday save your life

How chili peppers could someday save your life

What if you could eat your way to a longer life? Hot peppers may not exactly be the key to total longevity but eating chili peppers could help you lower your risk of dying of stroke.

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