Healthy Eating
We know what you’re thinking, “how could diets simply fall away from our lives?” The truth is that diets themselves aren’t exactly dying out. It’s more a matter of the lingo used – and a drive towards healthy eating in general. According to the Washington Post, cookbooks are ditching the word diet and replacing it with the idea of rebooting one’s system. It’s a subtle change, but it could make all the difference in the world of healthy eating.
Tales of Cinnamon and Obesity
You might be wondering what cinnamon and obesity really have to do with each other. And, it’s likely to strike you as odd that we’re dealing with either on a blog dedicated to hotter-than-hell hot sauces. The truth is that there are a lot of links between hot sauces, cinnamon, and obesity. (Please notice we didn’t say similarities… though there are some.)
Healthy Ways to Use Hot Sauce
There are healthy ways to use hot sauce. Research has proven that chilies (and their derivatives) help people to lose weight. That’s brilliant news for chili heads that already work their addiction into every single meal. Novices looking to shed a few pounds may find it a little more difficult to find a love for chilies.
Capsaicin Slows Lung Cancer
This time, capsaicin is in the news for slowing the growth of lung cancer tumors. And, this research is undeniably important. In fact, even if you haven’t been affected by cancer in the past, you’ll want to pay attention to this. It reveals something phenomenal about capsaicin that you truly must know.
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