You didn’t think you could mix Mad Dog with French Toast, did you?
Turns out… you can! Not only that but it adds one hell of a kick to your breakfast. And, we say, why wait for the weekend to indulge? This recipe is fast and easy and will make you change your mind about what you can add Mad Dog too. Now, this recipe does feed four, but you can adjust it to feed a crowd (or just the two of you) with ease.
1-2 drops Mad Dog 357 Silver Hot Sauce
2 large Eggs
1 cup Whole milk
1½ teaspoons Vanilla extract
1 teaspoon Butter
8 slices Bread
pinch of Salt
Preheat a large skillet over medium-low heat. Using a large bowl beat Mad Dog 357 Hot Sauce, eggs with vanilla extract, milk, and salt. Melt butter in the skillet then places a slice of bread into the batter to coat one side. Flip over and repeat with another side, don't soak the bread, just have each side coated well with the batter. Place on a skillet until nicely browned - usually about 1 minute per side. Repeat with the remaining slices and serve with bacon and maple syrup (seriously)!